Cosmetics and nail polish are integral components of every woman’s makeup kit. As it is, they are beautiful. By applying makeup and having excellent manicures/pedicures, they enhance their beauty to an incredible level. Nail polish gives women the complete freedom to express their sense of beauty. Though experts recommend specific colors for seasons, women look beautiful in whatever color they wear on their nails.
Here are some exciting SNS nail colors you can try, irrespective of the season, your complexion, and your moods. These colors let the best in you emerge into the open.
Top 8 SNS Nail Colors to Suit Your Moods
Lavender violets to match the blooming violets in the spring season
Before the summer sets in, you can still enjoy a fortnight of spring where you can witness greenery and colorful flowers all over the place. Your garden would be blooming with lavenders. It would be fantastic to have the matching lavender color on your nails to sync with nature. Lavender dip powder is the hot favorite today among SNS dip colors. Get one today and show that your nails are in total love with nature.
Gray blue glitter is an exciting option to shake away your summer blues
As you soak in the pleasant spring climate, the thought of a warm summer in the waiting can be an unnerving affair. It could give you the blues. A matching gray-blue glitter nail polish should be ideal for matching your moods. Besides, it will help you prepare to face the grueling summer heat with renewed confidence. The best aspect is that it is the perfect color shade for a starter to use.
Green should always be a fantastic choice, whichever the season is
Nothing can be soothing to the eyes than looking at vast expanses of greenery. With spring coming to an end soon, you might have to bid goodbye to green color for a while. But wait, you can try out the green shades on your nails. SNS dipping powder nails have abundant green shades in various combinations. Using dip powder is a better option because you do not expose your nails and skin to UV radiation.
Bring out the Cleopatra in you with the Blue Bayou
Though many women love gel nails because of their inherent glossy look, gel polish has its demerits. The application process is a bit tedious. It also requires curing under the UV lamp. In contrast, dip powder is a relatively more straightforward procedure. The Blue Bayou dip powder shade had become a flame recently because the beautiful shades of blue instantly take you back to your younger days when you danced around like Cleopatra.
Red is the perennial favorite of women globally
Ask any woman about the colors she admires the most. A significant majority would opt for the reds. Yes, hundreds of red shades ranging from brick red to rouge to blush and plum, etc., are available. The most exciting aspect of red color is that it looks beautiful on all women, irrespective of nationality and race. Yes, red can prove to be the unifying factor and bring all women on a common platform to showcase their inherent beauty.
Try out the yellow shades for a change

Of late, the red and the green shades have become stereotypes, with almost every second woman on the street sporting these exciting SNS nail colors. It suits them perfectly all right. However, you can always try to be different from the pack. Trying out the various yellow shades from the citrus yellow to the yellow ochre, you have a fantastic range on display. Have your pick and prove to the world that you can dare to be different and look refreshingly beautiful simultaneously.
Whites have their place in the sun
The nude colors are perfect on the nails because they bring out your inherent beauty to the fore. If you are not an ardent fan of the nudes, you can always go for the best alternative, the whites. White is considered amongst the purest of all colors, and it symbolizes peace, prosperity, and purity. Besides, they look beautiful when you have them on your nails as they contrast with your skin tone the best.
Display your wild side with the maroons
It is always interesting to read the other side of the story. While you have the whites as a peaceful shade, the maroons can help bring out the wild side of your personality to the forefront. SNS powder offers an exciting range of different maroon shades for you to make a choice. Wear them and have a blast on social media.
It is always advisable to use high-quality nail products like SNS dip nail colors. You get spurious products on the market that you should avoid touching with a barge pole. Your good health is more significant than anything else. Get the best and have a great time.